Searches at a call centre in the capital. A citizen of Ukraine was detained by the NAC, prosecutors and IPAS with a $20,000 bribe after being reported by the head of a police inspectorate
31.05.2024 686 Views  

Several searches were carried out last night by the NAC officers, prosecutors and the IPAS of the MIA in an active corruption case involving a citizen of Ukraine. He was denounced by the head of a police inspectorate in the municipality of Chisinau after he was offered 20 thousand dollars for protecting a clandestine business.

According to the materials of the criminal investigation, starting from April 2024, a group of people, including two citizens of Ukraine, being in the municipality of Chisinau, organized the corruption of the head of a police inspectorate in the capital, in exchange for offering protection for the illegal activity of providing of "call-centre" services. The protection fee would have consisted in the exemption from possible controls carried out by the state institutions, the mentioned business also having connections with other offices with similar activities in the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, in the period April-May 2024, the citizens of Ukraine offered the head of the police inspectorate in the capital money in the total amount of 20,000 US dollars, the criminal act being documented by the NAC, jointly with the General Police Inspectorate (GPI) and the Internal Protection and Anti-corruption Service (IPAS) of the MIA. As a result of the searches, carried out at the headquarters of the call centre, financial means in the cumulative amount of about 250,000 lei, several electronic devices for storing information, but also various related documents were seized office activity.

As a result, a citizen of Ukraine was detained for a period of 72 hours. Investigations per case are carried out under the procedural leadership of prosecutors from the Chisinau Municipal Prosecution Office.

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