A lawyer from the capital was detained by the NAC when returning a bribe, in the amount of 4000 euros, previously received
31.05.2024 735 Views  

The NAC officers and prosecutors detained a lawyer today, in flagrante delicto, at the time of returning some illicit financial means, previously received from the whistle-blower. He returned the bribe received, in the amount of 4000 euros, on the grounds that he would not have honoured his promise.

According to the investigated facts, the lawyer would have claimed 6000 euros, claiming that he would have influence on some magistrates and that he could induce them to adopt a favourable decision in a case in which the early release from prison of a person convicted of robbery was being examined and scam. A few days ago, he received, under the control of the NAC, 4,000 euros of the claimed amount, and today he returned the money, citing that the judges had already issued a decision against the convict.

Today, the lawyer was detained and is to be placed in the NAC Detention Centre.

The criminal investigation continues under the procedural leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecution Office.

Every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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