NAC synthesis: searches in corruption cases in the fields of health, education and justice, as well as seizures of assets of over 1 billion lei
03.06.2024 734 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported several operations, resulting in searches and arrests in corruption cases that concerned the fields of health, education, justice (advocacy), but also a case of active corruption of an employee of the General Police Inspectorate. Thus, at the beginning of last week, the NAC documented several episodes of systemic corruption in a district hospital, the suspects being investigated for receiving illicit financial means when issuing medical certificates to vehicle drivers and candidates for obtaining a driver's license. This was followed by a man from the capital, detained with a bribe of 7,000 euros in an influence peddling case. He would have tried to induce a public agent to resolve favourably a complaint registered with the Police.

Also last week, the director of a kindergarten in the capital was detained for 72 hours for charging illegal fees from parents. She was released by the prosecutors, after being charged, and the NAC requested the authorities to examine the possibility of suspending her from office for the duration of the investigation. On Friday, searches were carried out at a call centre in a case in which a citizen of Ukraine was denounced by the head of a police inspectorate for bribing him with 20 thousand dollars in exchange for providing protection for her clandestine business. The person was detained and subsequently arrested for a period of 30 days. The NAC officers recovered over 400 thousand lei following the searches and 22 computers. The week ended with the arrest of a lawyer who was caught in the act of returning a sum of 4,000 euros - money that he allegedly claimed for the settlement of a court case.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of NAC applied seizures on 55 assets worth 1.1 billion lei, in a money laundering case. It is about 36 non-residential buildings, 10 building plots and 9 non-residential rooms. During the reporting period, the CARA represented the NAC in Skopje, where the official transfer of the BAMIN presidency, held for one year by the NAC, to North Macedonia took place.

On the corruption prevention component: 9 trainings were organized for around 900 audiences, 5 operational analyses were finalized, 14 judicial expertises were carried out and 171 records were released. 1529 materials were registered in the NAC Chancellery.

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