The deputy head of the General Control Directorate of the SFS, detained in a case of influence peddling and passive corruption following a denunciation
04.06.2024 658 Views  

The NAC officers and Balti municipal prosecutors detained this afternoon the deputy head of the General Control Directorate (GCD) within the State Fiscal Service, after receiving a complaint. The employee is to be questioned and placed in the Detention Centre for 72 hours.

According to the complaint, the SFS employee would be targeted in two episodes of accepting bribes from a subordinate in exchange for setting the monthly salary increase to the maximum amount established by law. Thus, through an intermediary, but also personally, she would have accepted and received 1000 lei in one episode and another 6000 lei in another episode.

Currently, the criminal investigation actions in the case in which the deputy head of the GCD of the SFS is targeted are being carried out under the procedural leadership of the Balti Municipal Prosecutor's Office.

We specify that, today, in the service office of the operation, but also of other employees of the GCD of the SFS in the north of the country, searches were carried out within the framework of some cases, started on acts of corruption, under the direction of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office. As a result, 5 people are under criminal investigation with the procedural quality of suspect, and a fiscal inspector from Soroca was detained for 72 hours. Also, today, the NAC received several whistleblowings on which actions are being taken without delay.

Every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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