NAC synthesis: 47 searches and 10 suspects in corruption cases, seizures applied to criminal assets and 6 private companies awarded with the Integrity Trophy
10.06.2024 760 Views  

Last week, the National Anti-corruption Centre carried out several searches in corruption files, resulting in arrests and the announcement of suspect status regarding 10 people. It is about the documentation of a corruption scheme with the involvement of some employees of the State Fiscal Service, two people being detained following searches of their offices. In one case, one of the persons was released by the prosecutor after being charged, and in another case the court imposed a house arrest warrant for 30 days. Also, a scheme was investigated in which six people are suspected of organizing the process of reacquiring Moldovan citizenship by evading legal procedures, information about the case being received from the Public Services Agency.

Also last week, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC applied seizures on assets worth over 80 thousand lei, it being about a means of transport made unavailable in the framework of a criminal case initiated on passive corruption by the criminal investigation body of the NAC. During the reporting period, the seizures previously applied to assets worth 400 thousand lei were confirmed by the court. Similarly, the CARA ordered the freezing of an amount of over 41 thousand euros from 3 bank accounts.

On the corruption prevention component, the specialized departments report the awarding of six private companies with the Integrity Trophy, the organization of 6 anti-corruption trainings for 200 public agents and the completion of 18 anti-corruption expert reports. The Analytical Directorate completed 2 operational analyses and initiated two other studies, with 96 analyses in the process. 37 calls were received at the National Anti-corruption Hotline, 1300 materials were registered in the NAC Chancellery and 147 integrity records were issued.

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