NAC synthesis: Four people, investigated in a case of influence peddling and seizures applied on assets worth about 3 million lei
17.06.2024 814 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre detained four people, suspected of mediating the process of fraudulently obtaining driving licenses, starting with the identification of candidates for obtaining driving licenses and, respectively, the organization of the entire process of completing the preliminary documents, as well as the theoretical and practical exams. A criminal case for influence peddling was opened. Also last week, the representatives of the institution, led by the head of the NAC, Alexandr Pînzari, were on a working visit to Paris to strengthen international cooperation in the field of the management of criminal assets and their recovery, during a meeting of the Balkan Network of Agencies of Administration of Criminal Assets (BAMIN). During the meeting, the NAC's progress was mentioned in the context of the identification and seizure of valuable assets on the territory of France, in the criminal case generically called "bank fraud".

To be mentioned that at the moment, 8 people, arrested in the cases initiated by the NAC, are placed in prisons. During the reference period, criminal investigation officers proposed 18 criminal cases to be transmitted to court.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (ARBI) of the NAC seized assets worth about 3 million lei, last week, based on the delegations of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) and the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (AP). Among them are 2 residential rooms, a residential building, 3 means of transport, 7 agricultural lands and one for construction, unavailable in a case of fraud and abuse of service.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and handed over to the authors 16 expert reports and 22 opinions on draft normative acts, last week. Also, 7 judicial expertises were completed, and another 103 expertises are under the management of the specialized department. During the mentioned period, 4 anti-corruption trainings were organized for 170 people. The NAC notifies the completion of 2 strategic analyses, the release of 118 integrity records, the reception of 60 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 1475 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.

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