A 26-year-old man from Soldănești is being investigated by the NAC for influence peddling
17.06.2024 1133 Views  

The NAC officers and prosecutors today searched a 26-year-old man from Soldăneşti in a case of influence peddling. He is suspected of having promised a person to help him obtain a driver's license in exchange for 15,000 lei.

According to the accumulated evidence, the suspect would have claimed that he has influence over some civil servants from the Public Services Agency (PSA), whom he could convince to favour the candidate for taking the theoretical and practical test of the exam to obtain the right to drive vehicles.

Thus, in the morning of 17.06.2024, the NAC officers under the procedural direction of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecution Office ordered the search of the suspect's residence, important evidence for the criminal case being seized.

The young man admitted his guilt and is to be investigated in a state of freedom. We remind, every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is issued.

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