The head of the former Directorate General of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Bălti, detained by the NAC for 72 hours in the case of illegal dispossession of homes of socially vulnerable persons
21.06.2024 857 Views  

The NAC officers and prosecutors detained the head of the former General Directorate of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Bălti in the case in which a corruption scheme is being investigated, manifested by the abusive dispossession of patrimonial assets of some socially-vulnerable persons. She was detained for 72 hours and is suspected of accepting, through an intermediary, a sum of 5,000 euros in exchange for not disclosing compromising information about a subordinate, but also in order not to create impediments in her work.

We remind that, 3 days ago, the NAC and the prosecutors conducted searches in a case of abuse of office in which the actions of some employees and decision-makers of the former Directorate General of Social Assistance and the Family Protection of Bălți, (reorganized in 2023 in the Agency Territorial Social Assistance North-North-West (ATAS)). At least two elderly people were left without homes, after allegedly signing documents donating the apartments for the benefit of some officials of the mentioned department.

According to the investigated facts, during the year 2022, decision-makers from the former General Directorate of Social Assistance and Family Protection of the Bălți City Hall, acting in their material interest and taking advantage of the physical or mental vulnerability of some people in social services, issued notarized documents by which they authorized persons from the Directorate to manage their assets as exclusive heirs, and subsequently, these assets were alienated.

Investigations on the case continue under the leadership of the Balti Municipal Prosecution Office. We remind, every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is issued.

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