NAC synthesis: Searches and arrests in a case of embezzlement of assets of socially vulnerable persons in Balti and in a case of influence peddling
24.06.2024 624 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported several searches and arrests last week, in a case of abusive dispossession of patrimonial assets of some socially vulnerable people from Balti. Two people from the former Social Assistance Directorate of the Balti City Hall were detained for abuse of office, manifested by the illegal execution of some documents on the basis of which they came into possession of homes that belonged to people with difficulties.

Also, the NAC officers searched a young man from Șoldănești in a case of influence peddling. He allegedly promised a person to help him obtain a driver's license in exchange for 15,000 lei. He admitted his guilt and is under investigation in a state of freedom.

At the same time, between June 18-21, a delegation, represented by the head of the NAC, Alexandr Pînzari, and officers of the criminal investigation subdivisions and the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency of the NAC, participated in the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC 2024) which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

To be mentioned that at the moment, one person is detained in the Detention Centre, and 7 other individuals, arrested in the cases initiated by the National Criminal Court, are placed in penitentiaries. During the reference period, criminal investigation officers opened 8 criminal cases and solved 12 criminal cases. At the same time, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC issued a freezing order on 2 cars and several residential and non-residential rooms.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and handed over to the authors 21 expert reports and 19 opinions on draft normative acts, last week. Also, 6 judicial expertises were completed, and another 108 expertises are under the management of the specialized department. During the mentioned period, 5 anti-corruption trainings were organized. The NAC notifies the completion of 3 operational analyses, the release of 95 integrity records, the reception of 34 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 1429 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.

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