An employee of the Sculeni Customs Post and his accomplice, detained by NAC and Balti municipal prosecutors for facilitating a smuggling case against a bribe of over 10 thousand euros
27.06.2024 981 Views  

A customs officer from the Sculeni Customs Post was detained in the afternoon of June 26 by the NAC officers and Balti municipal prosecutors in a case of passive corruption. The official is suspected of demanding and accepting more than 10,000 euros from a parcel carrier to ensure the unhindered passage of smuggling goods through the mentioned customs post.

The criminal investigation began based on a whistleblowing, in which the actions of the customs officer and the carrier were documented, resulting in their apprehension. According to the accumulated evidence, it was found that following the prior understanding between the customs officer and the carrier, the smuggling of a consignment of goods was ensured against a bribe of over 10 thousand euros.

Thus, on June 26, the NAC officers, under the procedural direction of the prosecutors of the Balti Municipal Prosecution Office, detained the employee of the Sculeni Customs Post immediately after receiving the sum of over 10,000 euros. Also, the accomplice of the customs officer was detained as part of the criminal investigation. Both people are placed in detention for 72 hours.

Following the searches, several financial means, mobile phones, a car and smuggled goods were seized.

The criminal investigation in this case is ongoing and is taking place within a case initiated pursuant to art. 324 Criminal Code – passive corruption.

We remind, every person shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.

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