NAC synthesis: 21 searches and 6 people arrested in the "Northern Customs Office" case, seizures of half a million lei and over 200 officials trained in the field of anti-corruption
08.07.2024 412 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported, for the past week, 21 searches at the homes, work offices and cars of six customs officials from the "North" Customs Office, involved in a corruption scheme. They are accused of claiming and accepting illegal remuneration ranging between 1.5 thousand euros and 9 thousand euros from the people who introduced goods through the customs posts. At the request of the prosecutors, the court issued arrest warrants in the name of 6 officials, including the head of the "North" Customs Office, and at the moment, 5 people, held in the Detention Centre, are to be transferred to Penitentiary 13, and one person - at home.

During the reporting period, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC issued seizure orders on assets worth about 500 thousand lei, based on the delegations of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the NAC and the National Investigation Inspectorate (NII ) of the GPI. Among them are 3 means of transport and an agricultural land, seized in a case of influence peddling and the organization of illegal migration. At the same time, 1.5 million lei were taken over by the Agency and were deposited in the NAC's treasury accounts.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and handed over to the authors 21 expert reports and 37 opinions on draft normative acts, last week. Also, 15 forensic expertises were completed, and another 106 expertises are under the management of the specialized department. During the mentioned period, 3 anti-corruption trainings were organized for 230 people. The NAC notifies the reception of 50 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and 1466 materials registered in the Centre’s Chancellery.



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