The Chisinau Court, Buiucani seat, found a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova guilty of passive corruption in particularly large proportions, in the interest of an organized criminal group and preparation of financing of political parties, from sources prohibited by law committed in large proportions. Thus, the court ordered, for the concurrence of crimes committed, by partial cumulation of the sentences, the establishment of a definitive sentence in the form of imprisonment for a term of 12 years, with a fine in the amount of 500,000 lei, as well as the deprivation of the right to hold public office and public dignity for a period of 12 years. The special confiscation of the equivalent of 35,000 dollars was also ordered, as the equivalent of the monetary means resulting from the crime.
Also, to ensure the punishment of the fine, as well as to ensure the execution of the special confiscation of the illegally obtained foreign currency, the sentence also ordered the maintenance of the seizure applied in the amount of over 180,000 lei, including a means of transport and monetary means seized during the searches. In order to ensure the execution of the prison sentence, the preventive measure was established for the MP - preventive arrest, and he was announced as wanted.
According to the evidence presented in court, administered at the criminal investigation stage by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (AP) together with the National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) and the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), the defendant allegedly accepted and received air services to the city of Tel Aviv, Israel, undue advantages manifested by his appointment as a member of a Political Party and the de facto leadership of this party, which would act on the instructions of the organized criminal group, as well as goods in the form of monetary means (not less than 35,000 dollars). He also allegedly intentionally created conditions for the commission of the crime of illegal financing of a political party, maintaining control over the political, electoral and social processes in the Republic of Moldova. In this regard, he identified a former deputy, who reported these facts to the criminal investigation body, to whom he proposed to join a political project regarding the establishment or takeover of parties with pro-European visions. To persuade her to accept the proposal, the deputy sent her money in the amount of 50,000 dollars, 100,000 lei and a mobile phone.
Although he denied committing the acts throughout the examination of the case, which lasted 1 year and 3 months, the court considered the evidence administered as well-founded and established his guilt in committing the incriminated crimes.
The sentence can be appealed to the Chisinau Centre Court of Appeal within 15 days.
Note: The person accused of committing a crime shall be presumed innocent as long as his guilt is not established by a final court decision.