Anticorruption prosecutors will ask for arrest of the four policemen from Soroca
28.02.2014 2268 Views  

Prosecutors will ask for the arrest of the four police officers from Soroca, recently detained in a corruption case. The trial will take place at Court of Buiucani at 11:00 AM.

We recall that four officers of the Police Inspectorate of Soroca were arrested by NAC and anticorruption prosecutors on suspicion of extortion of $ 3,000 from a citizen.

According to preliminary information, the four policemen would have extorted the money from a man in order not to prosecute the last for an alleged murder. The denouncer informed about the fact of being threatened by the officials with a criminal case for killing a homeless man. Even if the last died cause of intoxication and was not killed .

If found guilty, the policemen face up to 10 years in prison. Criminal prosecution is exercised by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutors Office.

12 police officers involved in various acts of corruption were arrested by NAC since the beginning of the year 2014.

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