A driver accuses two policemen from Străşeni of corruption
08.05.2014 3144 Views  

A driver informed NAC about two officers of the Police Inspectorate of Străşeni who would have extorted from him MDL 2,000 for returning the driving license and technical passport of the vehicle.
In his complaint, the denouncer was claiming to have been stopped by two police officers who for alcohol testing and although he wasn’t intoxicated, the policemen would have confiscated vehicle documents and would have extorted from him MDL 2,000 to get them back.
A criminal prosecution was initiated on this case and the transmission of money under control of NAC and prosecutors tool place this morning.

One police officer was caught red-handed in his office and escorted at NAC, where he was questioned by investigators. He in custody for 72 hours.
If convicted, man faces from 5 to 10 years in prison with a fine from 6000 to 8000 conventional units with the deprivation of the right to hold certain public positions or practice certain activities for a term of 7 to10 years.
The second policeman mentioned in the denunciation is to be heard in few days.

Recall that 24 policemen have been investigated for corruption by NAC since the beginning of year 2014.


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