NAC synthesis: About 1 million lei and 36 thousand euros, raised in some files started on the illegal financing of a political formation and assets of about 3.2 million lei seized
15.10.2024 194 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported for the past week detentions and searches in cases of illegal financing of a political formation, passive electoral corruption, passive corruption and violation of the way of managing the financial means of political parties or electoral funds.

More precisely, one person was detained following searches carried out in Orhei in the town of Jora de Jos. The actions took place within a case of illegal financing of a political formation by an organized group, and about 1 million lei was collected from the scene. Another 36 thousand euros were raised in a case of illegal financing of a political formation by an organized group. At the same time, 18 civil servants including the mayor and the vice-mayor of Orhei, the chief architect, investigative agents and several district councillors were searched in a criminal case based on the fact of passive corruption and violation of the way of managing the financial means of political parties or electoral funds. As a result, 3 accused were placed under house arrest for 30 days and 1 accused in preventive detention for 30 days. In addition, NAC received from the General Police Inspectorate more than 100 minutes of findings of contravention provided by art. 47 first Contraventional Code – passive electoral corruption. It is about ascertaining the facts of claiming, accepting or receiving, personally or through an intermediary, by a voter goods, services, privileges or advantages in any form, and for committing this contravention, the legislation in force provides for a fine of up to 37,500 of lions.

Also last week, a former director of the Sports Centre for the Preparation of National Teams and an ex-Minister of Youth and Sports were convicted in a case initiated by the NAC, being accused of exceeding their duties and passive corruption.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized assets worth over 3.2 million lei, last week, based on the delegations of the General Directorate on Criminal Investigation (DGCI) of the NAC to the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases ( PCCOCS) and the Border Police (BP). Among them are one residential and one non-residential room, a plot of land for construction and 6 means of transport, unavailable in a case of organizing illegal migration, money laundering and smuggling. 1.3 million lei were taken into administration.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and delivered to the authors 16 expert reports and an opinion on some draft normative acts, last week. During the mentioned period, 6 anti-corruption trainings were organized for 190 people. The NAC notifies the completion of 6 operational analyses, the release of 102 integrity records, the reception of 54 calls to the national anti-corruption line and the registration of 1712 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.

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