<![CDATA[National Anticorruption Center ]]> https://www.cna.md/ 29.06.2024 en https://www.cna.md/ Copyright (c) 2024 https://www.cna.md/A resident of the capital, detained by NAC officers, after allegedly demanding a bribe of over one million lei <![CDATA[A resident of the capital, detained by NAC officers, after allegedly demanding a bribe of over one million lei // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5627&t=/Mass-Media/Events/A-resident-of-the-capital-detained-by-NAC-officers-after-allegedly-demanding-a-bribe-of-over-one-million-lei/ According to the investigated facts, the suspect, claiming to have influence over some public officials whom he could convince to adopt a favourable decision in a tax evasion case, allegedly demanded from a person the sum of 35,000 Euros (the equivalent of over 670,000 lei), and after receiving part of it, he would still claim the difference in money. ]]> 28.06.2024 08:28 An employee of the Cantemir Health Centre, investigated by NAC for the systematic receipt of illicit financial means <![CDATA[An employee of the Cantemir Health Centre, investigated by NAC for the systematic receipt of illicit financial means // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5625&t=/Mass-Media/Events/An-employee-of-the-Cantemir-Health-Centre-investigated-by-NAC-for-the-systematic-receipt-of-illicit-financial-means/ The NAC officers and prosecutors conducted searches at the Cantemir Health Centre as part of an influence peddling case, in which the actions of an employee of the institution are investigated, manifested by the systematic claim of illicit financial means for the completion of medical certificates without the physical presence of the applicants. ]]> 27.06.2024 13:59 Seven students from universities in the country and abroad will do their internship at the National Anti-corruption Centre <![CDATA[Seven students from universities in the country and abroad will do their internship at the National Anti-corruption Centre // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5624&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Seven-students-from-universities-in-the-country-and-abroad-will-do-their-internship-at-the-National-Anti-corruption-Centre/ The National Anti-corruption Centre will host seven students from universities in the country and abroad who will do their internship for two months. The young trainees will be assigned to the subdivisions that carry out anti-corruption, international cooperation and activities of criminal assets recovery. ]]> 27.06.2024 12:48 Seven students from universities in the country and abroad will do their internship at the National Anti-corruption Centre <![CDATA[Seven students from universities in the country and abroad will do their internship at the National Anti-corruption Centre // Press releases]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=222&id=5626&t=/CARA/Press-releases/Seven-students-from-universities-in-the-country-and-abroad-will-do-their-internship-at-the-National-Anti-corruption-Centre/ The National Anti-corruption Centre will host seven students from universities in the country and abroad who will do their internship for two months. The young trainees will be assigned to the subdivisions that carry out anti-corruption, international cooperation and activities of criminal assets recovery. ]]> 27.06.2024 12:48 An employee of the Sculeni Customs Post and his accomplice, detained by NAC and Balti municipal prosecutors for facilitating a smuggling case against a bribe of over 10 thousand euros <![CDATA[An employee of the Sculeni Customs Post and his accomplice, detained by NAC and Balti municipal prosecutors for facilitating a smuggling case against a bribe of over 10 thousand euros // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5623&t=/Mass-Media/Events/An-employee-of-the-Sculeni-Customs-Post-and-his-accomplice-detained-by-NAC-and-Balti-municipal-prosecutors-for-facilitating-a-smuggling-case-against-a-bribe-of-over-10-thousand-euros/ A customs officer from the Sculeni Customs Post was detained in the afternoon of June 26 by the NAC officers and Balti municipal prosecutors in a case of passive corruption. The official is suspected of demanding and accepting more than 10,000 euros from a parcel carrier to ensure the unhindered passage of smuggling goods through the mentioned customs post. ]]> 27.06.2024 10:15 A man from Cahul was detained by NAC in a case of influence peddling. He alegedly demanded 400 euros to issue a driver's license <![CDATA[A man from Cahul was detained by NAC in a case of influence peddling. He alegedly demanded 400 euros to issue a driver's license // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5617&t=/Mass-Media/Events/A-man-from-Cahul-was-detained-by-NAC-in-a-case-of-influence-peddling-He-alegedly-demanded-400-euros-to-issue-a-drivers-license/ The NAC officers and Cahul municipal prosecutors detained, today, a man from Cahul in a case of influence peddling. He is suspected of having promised a candidate to help him obtain a driver's license more easily in exchange for a sum of money. ]]> 24.06.2024 10:55 NAC synthesis: Searches and arrests in a case of embezzlement of assets of socially vulnerable persons in Balti and in a case of influence peddling <![CDATA[NAC synthesis: Searches and arrests in a case of embezzlement of assets of socially vulnerable persons in Balti and in a case of influence peddling // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5616&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-synthesis-Searches-and-arrests-in-a-case-of-embezzlement-of-assets-of-socially-vulnerable-persons-in-Balti-and-in-a-case-of-influence-peddling/ The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported several searches and arrests last week, in a case of abusive dispossession of patrimonial assets of some socially vulnerable people from Balti. Two people from the former Social Assistance Directorate of the Balti City Hall were detained for abuse of office, manifested by the illegal execution of some documents on the basis of which they came into possession of homes that belonged to people with difficulties. ]]> 24.06.2024 09:49 A delegation, represented by officers from the Criminal Investigation Subdivisions and the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency of the NAC, attended the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC 2024) in Vilnius <![CDATA[A delegation, represented by officers from the Criminal Investigation Subdivisions and the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency of the NAC, attended the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC 2024) in Vilnius // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5615&t=/Mass-Media/Events/A-delegation-represented-by-officers-from-the-Criminal-Investigation-Subdivisions-and-the-Criminal-Assets-Recovery-Agency-of-the-NAC-attended-the-International-Anti-Corruption-Conference-IACC-2024-in-Vilnius/ A delegation of the National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC), led by the director of the institution, Alexandr Pînzari, participated in the proceedings of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), which took place from June 18 to 21, in Vilnius, Lithuania.]]> 21.06.2024 13:48 The head of the former Directorate General of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Bălti, detained by the NAC for 72 hours in the case of illegal dispossession of homes of socially vulnerable persons <![CDATA[The head of the former Directorate General of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Bălti, detained by the NAC for 72 hours in the case of illegal dispossession of homes of socially vulnerable persons // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5614&t=/Mass-Media/Events/The-head-of-the-former-Directorate-General-of-Social-Assistance-and-Family-Protection-of-Balti-detained-by-the-NAC-for-72-hours-in-the-case-of-illegal-dispossession-of-homes-of-socially-vulnerable-persons/ The NAC officers and prosecutors detained the head of the former General Directorate of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Bălti in the case in which a corruption scheme is being investigated, manifested by the abusive dispossession of patrimonial assets of some socially-vulnerable persons. ]]> 21.06.2024 08:26 Officials from the former Social Assistance Directorate of Balti Municipality, investigated by NAC for the dispossession of socially vulnerable persons. One person was detained <![CDATA[Officials from the former Social Assistance Directorate of Balti Municipality, investigated by NAC for the dispossession of socially vulnerable persons. One person was detained // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5613&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Officials-from-the-former-Social-Assistance-Directorate-of-Balti-Municipality-investigated-by-NAC-for-the-dispossession-of-socially-vulnerable-persons-One-person-was-detained/ A corruption scheme, manifested by the abusive dispossession of patrimonial assets of some socially-vulnerable persons, under the records of the former General Directorate of Social Assistance and Family Protection of the Bălți City Hall, was uncovered by the NAC and prosecutors. At least two elderly people were left without homes, after allegedly signing documents donating apartments in favour of some officials of the said department. ]]> 19.06.2024 11:36 Sentence in an influence peddling case initiated by the NAC. The court sentenced the defendant to 3 years in prison <![CDATA[Sentence in an influence peddling case initiated by the NAC. The court sentenced the defendant to 3 years in prison // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5612&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Sentence-in-an-influence-peddling-case-initiated-by-the-NAC-The-court-sentenced-the-defendant-to-3-years-in-prison/ A man, accused of committing two episodes of influence peddling in a case started by the National Anti-corruption Centre, was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The decision was recently pronounced by the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters. ]]> 19.06.2024 10:09 Press review for June 17, 2024 <![CDATA[Press review for June 17, 2024 // Press review]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=227&id=5611&t=/CARA/Press-review/Press-review-for-June-17-2024/ Press review for June 17, 2024]]> 17.06.2024 16:28 A 26-year-old man from Soldănești is being investigated by the NAC for influence peddling <![CDATA[A 26-year-old man from Soldănești is being investigated by the NAC for influence peddling // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5609&t=/Mass-Media/Events/A-26-year-old-man-from-Soldaneti-is-being-investigated-by-the-NAC-for-influence-peddling/ The NAC officers and prosecutors today searched a 26-year-old man from Soldăneşti in a case of influence peddling. He is suspected of having promised a person to help him obtain a driver's license in exchange for 15,000 lei. ]]> 17.06.2024 13:27 CARA applied seizures on assets worth about 3 million lei <![CDATA[CARA applied seizures on assets worth about 3 million lei // Press releases]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=222&id=5606&t=/CARA/Press-releases/CARA-applied-seizures-on-assets-worth-about-3-million-lei/ The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (ARBI) of the NAC seized assets worth about 3 million lei, last week. ]]> 17.06.2024 09:49 NAC synthesis: Four people, investigated in a case of influence peddling and seizures applied on assets worth about 3 million lei <![CDATA[NAC synthesis: Four people, investigated in a case of influence peddling and seizures applied on assets worth about 3 million lei // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5605&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-synthesis-Four-people-investigated-in-a-case-of-influence-peddling-and-seizures-applied-on-assets-worth-about-3-million-lei/ The National Anti-corruption Centre detained four people, suspected of mediating the process of fraudulently obtaining driving licenses, starting with the identification of candidates for obtaining driving licenses and, respectively, the organization of the entire process of completing the preliminary documents, as well as the theoretical and practical exams.]]> 17.06.2024 09:24 International collaboration in the field of criminal asset recovery, discussed by NAC representatives during a meeting of specialized agencies in Paris <![CDATA[International collaboration in the field of criminal asset recovery, discussed by NAC representatives during a meeting of specialized agencies in Paris // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5603&t=/Mass-Media/Events/International-collaboration-in-the-field-of-criminal-asset-recovery-discussed-by-NAC-representatives-during-a-meeting-of-specialized-agencies-in-Paris/ The strengthening of international cooperation in the field of the administration and recovery of criminal assets was discussed, these days, in Paris, during a meeting of Balkan Asset Management Interagency Network BAMIN and the Agency for the Management and Recovery of Seized and Confiscated Assets (AGRASC) and the Criminal Assets Identification Platform (PIAC) of the French Ministry of the Interior. ]]> 13.06.2024 11:45 International collaboration in the field of criminal asset recovery, discussed by NAC representatives during a meeting of specialized agencies in Paris <![CDATA[International collaboration in the field of criminal asset recovery, discussed by NAC representatives during a meeting of specialized agencies in Paris // Press releases]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=222&id=5608&t=/CARA/Press-releases/International-collaboration-in-the-field-of-criminal-asset-recovery-discussed-by-NAC-representatives-during-a-meeting-of-specialized-agencies-in-Paris/ The strengthening of international cooperation in the field of the administration and recovery of criminal assets was discussed, these days, in Paris, during a meeting of Balkan Asset Management Interagency Network BAMIN and the Agency for the Management and Recovery of Seized and Confiscated Assets (AGRASC) and the Criminal Assets Identification Platform (PIAC) of the French Ministry of the Interior. ]]> 13.06.2024 11:45 Four people were detained in a traffic case of influencing the issuance of driver's licenses. <![CDATA[Four people were detained in a traffic case of influencing the issuance of driver's licenses. // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5604&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Four-people-were-detained-in-a-traffic-case-of-influencing-the-issuance-of-drivers-licenses/ The NAC officers today detained four people in a case of influence peddling, they are suspected of mediating the process of fraudulently obtaining driving licenses, starting with the identification of candidates for obtaining driving licenses and respectively organizing the entire process of perfecting the preceding documents, but and theoretical and practical exams. ]]> 11.06.2024 12:00 The NAC director, Alexandr Pînzari, met with the European Union Global Facility Project team <![CDATA[The NAC director, Alexandr Pînzari, met with the European Union Global Facility Project team // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5600&t=/Mass-Media/Events/The-NAC-director-Alexandr-Pinzari-met-with-the-European-Union-Global-Facility-Project-team/ The director of the National Anti-corruption Centre, Alexandr Pînzari, had a meeting, on Friday, with the European Union Global Facility Project team. The delegation's visit is part of the process of strengthening international cooperation to prevent and combat money laundering and make the asset recovery mechanism more efficient. ]]> 10.06.2024 17:00 CARA seized assets worth over 80 thousand lei and ordered the freezing of an amount of over 41 thousand euros from 3 bank accounts, last week <![CDATA[CARA seized assets worth over 80 thousand lei and ordered the freezing of an amount of over 41 thousand euros from 3 bank accounts, last week // Press releases]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=222&id=5597&t=/CARA/Press-releases/CARA-seized-assets-worth-over-80-thousand-lei-and-ordered-the-freezing-of-an-amount-of-over-41-thousand-euros-from-3-bank-accounts-last-week/ The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC applied seizures on assets worth over 80 thousand lei, it being about a means of transport made unavailable in the framework of a criminal case initiated on passive corruption by the criminal investigation body of the NAC. ]]> 10.06.2024 11:12 NAC synthesis: 47 searches and 10 suspects in corruption cases, seizures applied to criminal assets and 6 private companies awarded with the Integrity Trophy <![CDATA[NAC synthesis: 47 searches and 10 suspects in corruption cases, seizures applied to criminal assets and 6 private companies awarded with the Integrity Trophy // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5596&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-synthesis-47-searches-and-10-suspects-in-corruption-cases-seizures-applied-to-criminal-assets-and-6-private-companies-awarded-with-the-Integrity-Trophy/ Last week, the National Anti-corruption Centre carried out several searches in corruption files, resulting in arrests and the announcement of suspect status regarding 10 people.]]> 10.06.2024 09:04 NAC awarded Integrity Trophy to six companies from the Republic of Moldova <![CDATA[NAC awarded Integrity Trophy to six companies from the Republic of Moldova // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5595&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-awarded-Integrity-Trophy-to-six-companies-from-the-Republic-of-Moldova/ The holders of the Integrity Trophy are S.A. Moldcell, SRL Metro, S.A. Orange, S.A. Cet-Nord, S.A. Kaufland and S.A. Coca-Cola, the companies that met the requirements of the organizers and contributed to the creation of competitive and fair business environment, based on integrity standards, transparency and professionalism.]]> 07.06.2024 13:24 The National Anti-corruption Centre is celebrating the 22nd anniversary since its creation. Several officers, decorated with state and institutional awards for outstanding results in activity <![CDATA[The National Anti-corruption Centre is celebrating the 22nd anniversary since its creation. Several officers, decorated with state and institutional awards for outstanding results in activity // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5594&t=/Mass-Media/Events/The-National-Anti-corruption-Centre-is-celebrating-the-22nd-anniversary-since-its-creation-Several-officers-decorated-with-state-and-institutional-awards-for-outstanding-results-in-activity/ The National Anti-corruption Centre, the legal successor of the Centre for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption, today is celebrating the 22nd anniversary since its creation on June 6, 2002. On this occasion, several employees received state awards and diplomas, but also institutional mentions for outstanding results in the activity of preventing and fighting corruption. ]]> 06.06.2024 13:16 NAC concluded the "Integrity For A Safe Penitentiary" information campaign with a Pro Integrity Quiz <![CDATA[NAC concluded the "Integrity For A Safe Penitentiary" information campaign with a Pro Integrity Quiz // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5591&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-concluded-the-Integrity-For-A-Safe-Penitentiary-information-campaign-with-a-Pro-Integrity-Quiz/ The National Anti-corruption Centre in partnership with the National Administration of Penitentiaries from the Republic of Moldova has announced the end of the information campaign " Integrity For A Safe Penitentiary", carried out between March and May. This campaign had as its main objective the promotion of the values of integrity, transparency and professional ethics among the staff in the penitentiary system. ]]> 05.06.2024 09:53 The deputy head of the General Control Directorate of the SFS, detained in a case of influence peddling and passive corruption following a denunciation <![CDATA[The deputy head of the General Control Directorate of the SFS, detained in a case of influence peddling and passive corruption following a denunciation // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5590&t=/Mass-Media/Events/The-deputy-head-of-the-General-Control-Directorate-of-the-SFS-detained-in-a-case-of-influence-peddling-and-passive-corruption-following-a-denunciation/ The NAC officers and Balti municipal prosecutors detained this afternoon the deputy head of the General Control Directorate (GCD) within the State Fiscal Service, after receiving a complaint. The employee is to be questioned and placed in the Detention Centre for 72 hours. ]]> 04.06.2024 14:59 Several territorial offices of the SFS in the north of the country, searched by the NAC: 5 suspected persons, an inspector detained and 1,500,000 lei taken <![CDATA[Several territorial offices of the SFS in the north of the country, searched by the NAC: 5 suspected persons, an inspector detained and 1,500,000 lei taken // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5589&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Several-territorial-offices-of-the-SFS-in-the-north-of-the-country-searched-by-the-NAC-5-suspected-persons-an-inspector-detained-and-1500000-lei-taken/ The NAC officers carried out dozens of searches in the north of the country as part of corruption cases, in which the illegal actions of some employees of the State Fiscal Service from the territorial offices of Bălți, Șoldănești, Soroca, Fălești and Florești are being investigated. ]]> 04.06.2024 11:29 NAC has announced a competition to select anti-corruption volunteers <![CDATA[NAC has announced a competition to select anti-corruption volunteers // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5592&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-has-announced-a-competition-to-select-anti-corruption-volunteers/ As a host institution of volunteering activities, the NAC has announced the competition to select anticorruption volunteers, who will carry out their activity under the mentorship of the Anti-corruption Education Directorate. ]]> 03.06.2024 13:43 Searches in a case of corruption and forgery in public documents when acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. The cases were reported to the NAC by PSA management <![CDATA[Searches in a case of corruption and forgery in public documents when acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. The cases were reported to the NAC by PSA management // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5587&t=/Mass-Media/Events/Searches-in-a-case-of-corruption-and-forgery-in-public-documents-when-acquiring-the-citizenship-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-The-cases-were-reported-to-the-NAC-by-PSA-management/ The NAC officers carry out searches within a corruption case and falsification of public documents, in which the illegal actions of some people involved in facilitating the process of acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova by foreign citizens, the applicants being mainly from the Russian Federation, are being investigated. ]]> 03.06.2024 12:03 CARA synthesis: 55 assets worth 1.1 billion lei were seized in a money laundering case <![CDATA[CARA synthesis: 55 assets worth 1.1 billion lei were seized in a money laundering case // Press releases]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=222&id=5598&t=/CARA/Press-releases/CARA-synthesis-55-assets-worth-11-billion-lei-were-seized-in-a-money-laundering-case/ The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of NACapplied seizures on 55 assets worth 1.1 billion lei, in a money laundering case.]]> 03.06.2024 11:18 NAC synthesis: searches in corruption cases in the fields of health, education and justice, as well as seizures of assets of over 1 billion lei <![CDATA[NAC synthesis: searches in corruption cases in the fields of health, education and justice, as well as seizures of assets of over 1 billion lei // Events]]> https://www.cna.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=5&id=5586&t=/Mass-Media/Events/NAC-synthesis-searches-in-corruption-cases-in-the-fields-of-health-education-and-justice-as-well-as-seizures-of-assets-of-over-1-billion-lei/ The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported several operations, resulting in searches and arrests in corruption cases that concerned the fields of health, education, justice (advocacy), but also a case of active corruption of an employee of the General Police Inspectorate. ]]> 03.06.2024 09:36