The responsibility for strengthening the national integrity climate, systemizing and streamlining the efforts of public entities in the field of preventing and combating corruption are coordinated within the basic tool of public policies – National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy for 2017-2020. Ensuring the monitoring and assessment of the implementation process of the Strategy, is performed by the National Anticorruption Center that provides the function of the Secretariat of the Monitoring Groups of the Strategy. At the same time, the Strategy recognizes the indispensable role of civil society and the media in the national integrity system, which can contribute to the efficient implementation of the Strategy through independent and impartial monitoring, but also through equidistant information of society on system deficiencies. Thus, to ensure the participatory implementation and monitoring of the Strategy, as well as to stimulate and support the involvement of civil society in corruption prevention activities, with the support of the project "Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova" funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by UNDP Moldova in cooperation with the National Anticorruption Center and the Office of the People's Advocate, the Small Grants Program was launched - "Monitoring the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy by developing alternative monitoring reports for sectoral and local anti-corruption action plans" The Small Grants Program aimed to encourage the efforts of civil society, in particular by considering the specific areas addressed by the sectoral anti-corruption plans and the analytical efforts needed to effectively monitor them. The big number of the participants who submitted their applications to the Program highlighted the success of training and information efforts, as well as the increased interest of civil society to contribute to strengthening the national integrity system. Thus, for the period - 2019, were involved 8 Public Associations that developed and publicly presented the alternative reports of the sectoral anti-corruption plans in the field of education, health and compulsory health care, public procurement, administration and deetatization of public property, public order , as well as in the case of anti-corruption plans in the field of local public administration of the Cimișlia, Basarabeasca, Leova, Cahul, Cantemir, Dondușeni, Fălești, Sîngerei, Legal Entities of ATU Gagauzia and Balti City Hall. Additional information, such as the monitoring reports of the sectoral and local anti-corruption plans for 2019, published by non-governmental organizations, can be accessed in the attached document.
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