Ensuring the monitorization and assessment of the Strategy implementation process is realized by the National Anticorruption Center that provides the function of the Secretariat of the Monitoring Group. At the same time, the Strategy recognizes the indispensable role of the civil society and mass media in the national integrity system, that can contribute to the effective implementation of the Strategy though impartial and independent monitoring, but also through equidistant information of the society about the gaps in the system. The importance of the civil society in anticorruption efforts is enshrined as well in the UN Convention Against Corruption, in which, art.13 of the Convention stipulates that Each State Party shall take appropriate measures, within its means and in accordance with fundamental principles of its domestic law, to promote the active participation of individuals and groups outside the public sector, such as civil society, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations, in the prevention of and the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gravity of and the threat posed by corruption.”. At the same time, the involvement of civil society is promoted by the Sustainable Development Goal no.16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, namely through goal 16.7 ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making process at all levels; and 16.10. ensuring public access to information and protecting fundamental freedoms. Thus, to ensure the implementation and participatory monitoring of the Strategy, as well as to stimulate and support the involvement of civil society in the activities of preventing corruption, with the support of the project “Curbing Corruption by Building Sustainable Development in the Republic of Moldova” financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the UNDP Moldova in cooperation with the National Anticorruption Center and the Office of the People’s Advocate, the Small Grants Program “Monitoring the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy by developing alternative reports for monitoring sectoral and local anti-corruption action plans” was launched. Thus, for the period - 2020, 6 Public Associations were involved that developed and publicly presented the alternative reports of the sectoral anti-corruption plans in the field of customs, environmental protection, as well as in the case of anti-corruption plans in the field of local public administration of District Councils of Ștefan-Vodă, Ialoveni, Hîncești, Strășeni, Drochia, Florești, Soroca, Edineț, Dubăsari, Criuleni, Călărași, Orhei. The necessary links are presented below to see the entire alternative reports for monitoring mentioned anti-corruption plans.
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