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Three customs officials from Criva-Mămăliga Post, denounced to the NAC for claiming illicit financial means
Three customs inspectors from the Criva-Mămăliga Customs Post of the Northern Customs Office were reported to the NAC for claiming illicit financial means in the process of facilitating the transit of products transported by a driver.
According to the facts investigated by the NAC, the customs officers allegedly claimed undue money from a truck driver, who was transporting food products in transit from Ukraine to Romania, through the Republic of Moldova, to decide the transit of the products transported through the crossing point of the Leușeni-Albita border, where goods are transited faster than through other Moldovan-Romanian border crossing points. In this case, a criminal investigation was initiated for passive corruption.
Today, the officers of the General Territorial Directorate North of the NAC carried out searches at the Criva-Mămăliga Customs Office, at the residences and cars of the three suspects, to accumulate evidence relevant to the investigation. Customs officers are being investigated while at liberty.
The criminal investigation continues under the procedural leadership of the prosecutors from the Bălţi Municipal Prosecutor's Office.
We remind that any person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable decision of the court is pronounced.