Home / CARA / Press releases / CARA launched the " Registry of Seized and Confiscated Assets " Information System. What other activities did the Agency register last week?
CARA launched the " Registry of Seized and Confiscated Assets " Information System. What other activities did the Agency register last week?
The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized criminal assets worth about 400 thousand lei last week, based on delegations from the General Police Inspectorate (IGP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These include a residential building and a means of transport and a land plot for construction, seized in a case of organizing illegal migration.
Seizures of assets worth about 1.5 million lei were confirmed by court decisions, but 7 million lei were also frozen.
At the same time, the CARA of the NAC launched the Information System "Registry of Seized and Confiscated Assets" - a centralized database that will generate relevant statistical data for the institutions involved in the recovery process. Thus, an integrated platform will be created that will directly support law enforcement authorities in their daily work.