Home / Mass-Media / Events / NAC Synthesis: A former mayor and a chief accountant, investigated for damages of over 6 million lei caused to the “European Village” program, assets worth about 2.2 million lei seized, detentions and convictions in corruption cases
NAC Synthesis: A former mayor and a chief accountant, investigated for damages of over 6 million lei caused to the “European Village” program, assets worth about 2.2 million lei seized, detentions and convictions in corruption cases
The National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) has notified several activities, last week, on the component of combating and preventing corruption. Thus, a former mayor of the village of Brăviceni, Orhei district, and the chief accountant of the City Hall are investigated for abuse of office for damaging the state budget intended for the “European Village” program. Under invented pretexts, the suspects allegedly increased expenses for the implementation of infrastructure projects, generating material damage in the amount of 6,373,713 lei. In another case, two men from Orhei were detained in a case of influence peddling with a bribe of 2,000 euros, suspected of demanding illicit financial means in exchange for the completion of driving licenses.
Another case, managed by the NAC, anti-corruption prosecutors and INI officers regarding the illegal financing of political parties, reached the court, in which a man is accused of distributing 1.5 million lei between November 2023 and March 2024 (until his arrest), in the interest of a party. In another case, the Chisinau Court, Buiucani seat, pronounced a conviction against a lawyer, accused of committing the crime of influence peddling. The magistrates imposed a fine of 250 thousand lei and ordered the special confiscation of about 300,000 lei from the defendant's account. We note that at the moment, 10 people, targeted in the Centre’s files, are arrested and detained in penitentiary institutions in the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti. During the reporting period, the criminal investigation officers of the NAC submitted 17 criminal cases to prosecutors for resolution, and another 16 files were initiated.
The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) under the NAC has announced the seizure of 39 assets worth around 2.2 million lei last week, based on delegations from the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), the General Inspectorate of Border Police (IGPF) and the Hincesti District Prosecutor's Office. These include cryptocurrencies, a residential room, 2 means of transport, an agricultural plot and one for construction. At the same time, seizures of assets worth over 1.4 million lei were confirmed by court orders, and 2.8 million lei were deposited in the CNA treasury accounts managed by the Agency.
In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate finalized and submitted to the authors 18 expert reports and 4 opinions on draft normative acts. During the mentioned period, 15 anti-corruption trainings were organized for about 800 people in the districts of Glodeni, Sângerei and Hîncești as part of several information campaigns. The NAC notifies the completion of 4 operational analyses, the release of 114 integrity records, the reception of 51 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 1,558 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.