Home / Mass-Media / Events / NAC Synthesis: Four judges, a prosecutor and 3 lawyers investigated for corruption, an MP sentenced to 12 years in prison and seizures of about 4 million lei confirmed by court decisions
NAC Synthesis: Four judges, a prosecutor and 3 lawyers investigated for corruption, an MP sentenced to 12 years in prison and seizures of about 4 million lei confirmed by court decisions
The National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) has reported several activities last week on the component of combating and preventing corruption. Thus, four magistrates, a prosecutor and 3 lawyers were subjected to searches within 12 cases initiated by the NAC on acts of active corruption, passive corruption and influence peddling in aggravating circumstances. According to the investigation materials, the defendants would have favoured the resolution of some files in exchange for sums of money or other illicit benefits. The Chisinau Court (Ciocana seat) ordered the preventive arrest, for 25 days, of a judge and a lawyer. At the same time, several people who offered bribes to judges through intermediary lawyers began to collaborate with the NAC officers.
Also last week, the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters, pronounced sentences in several cases investigated by the National Anti-corruption Centre. Thus, a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, investigated in a corruption case, was sentenced to 12 years in prison and ordered to pay over 1.1 million lei. At the same time, convictions were pronounced in four influence peddling cases, initiated by the NAC officers. Specifically, a man was sentenced to two years in prison for attempting to influence the obtaining of a driver's license. A lawyer was ordered to pay approximately 290 000 lei and deprived of the right to practice professional activity for a period of 2 years for determining public figures to adopt a favourable solution regarding a criminal case concerning falsification of documents and illicit acquisition of a car. Two men were ordered to pay a cumulative amount of approximately 430 000 lei for influencing public figures within the Chisinau City Hall to expedite the extension and amendment of a land lease contract. Another man was ordered to pay approximately 390 000 lei for demanding and receiving 12,000 euros in order to influence officials to close a criminal case. We note that at the moment, 2 people are detained in the NAC Detention Centre, another 10 people, targeted in the Centre’s files, are arrested and detained in penitentiary institutions in the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti. During the reporting period, the criminal investigation officers of the National Anti-corruption Centre forwarded 26 criminal cases to prosecutors for resolution, and another 9 cases were initiated.
Also, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (ARBI) of the National Anti-corruption Centre (NAC) announces the seizure of 2 means of transport worth approximately 400 000 lei last week. These were seized in a case of organizing illegal migration based on the delegations of the General Inspectorate of Border Police. At the same time, seizures of assets worth over 4 million lei were confirmed by court decisions, and 600 thousand lei were taken over for administration by the CARA.
In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate finalized and submitted to the authors 22 expert reports and 2 opinions on draft normative acts. During the mentioned period, 12 anti-corruption trainings were organized for about 400 people in the Briceni and Basarabeasca districts as part of several information campaigns. The NAC notifies the completion of 3 operational analyses, the issuance of 106 integrity records, the reception of 41 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 1646 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.