Home / Transparency / Budget
Amount (thousand lei)
Total approved budget 2025
167 936.1
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
137 515.8
- Goods and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
12 897.2
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability ...)
4 100.0
- Other current expenses (payment of executory documents)
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
7 823.1
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
5 500.0
Amount (thousand lei)
Total executed budget 2024
168 016.2
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
141 488.0
- Goods and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
10 728.4
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability ...)
4 152.3
- Other current expenses (payment of executory documents)
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
6 876.9
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
4 770.6
Amount (thousand lei)
Total specified budget 2023
169 546.8
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
121 214.5
- Goods and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
13 799.3
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability ...)
3 434.8
- Other current expenses (payment of executory documents)
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
26 037.4
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
4 911.4
Amount (thousand lei)
Total executed budget 2022
137 371.0
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
107 545.9
- Assets and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
11 591.7
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability ...)
3 289.4
- Other current expenses (payment of executory documents)
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
9 211.1
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
5 152.6
Amount (thousand lei)
Total approved budget 2021
132 663.5
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
104 670.4
- Assets and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
11 904.8
Including projects:
Justice reform
Visa issurance
Corruption prevention solutions
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability, maternity, child raising, ...)
2 507.3
- Other current expenses (payment of executory documents)
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
7 526.0
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
5 955.0
- Military pension
Amount (thousand lei)
Total approved budget 2020
124 800.2
- Staff expenditure (labor remuneration, social insurance, medical assistance, rent compensation for employees)
104 685.1
- Assets and services (services: gas, water, electricity, repairs, post, security)
10 317.8
Including projects:
Justice reform
Visa issurance
Corruption prevention solutions
- Social benefits (allowances for termination of employment, disability, maternity, child raising, ...)
- Other current expenses (Egmond membership fees, payment of executory documents)
2 935.9
- Fixed assets (purchase of machinery, equipment, means of transport, software ...)
1 006.4
-Stocks of circulating materials (fuel, spare parts, food, household use, office supplies, equipment, cartridges)
5 755.0
- Military pension